Goals: The goal of the Use of English component of the preparatory program is for learners to be able to understand and use certain linguistic structures effectively in terms of form and function. By the end of the program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of meaning of statements by identifying target upper-intermediate grammar structures
  • Identify target upper-intermediate grammar structures effectively to understand a variety of reading texts
  • Use target upper-intermediate grammar structures accurately to write essays
  • Recognize target upper-intermediate grammar structures effectively to follow an academic lecture
  • Apply target upper-intermediate linguistic structures in speaking with acceptable accuracy


Goals: The goal of the Reading component of the preparatory program is for learners to be able to read authentic and semi-authentic texts* with reasonable comprehension by making use of reading and vocabulary skills. By the end of the program, students will be able to: 

  • Skim a text to obtain the gist of the text
  • Make an outline of a text
  • Scan a text to locate specific information
  • Differentiate mentioned/not mentioned information in a text
  • Identify stated and/or implied main ideas in a text 
  • Identify significant details in a text 
  • Decide what certain pronouns/determiners/etc. refer to in a text
  • Make inferences based on specific information in a text 
  • Identify vocabulary in a text for active use in other skills
  • Record vocabulary in a text for active use in other skills
  • Guess the words in a text they do not know from context

* “Text” means any written language of intermediate or upper-intermediate level of at least 500 words. 


Goals: The goal of the Writing component of the preparatory program is for learners to be able to produce free and academic writing, making use of process approaches, rhetorical devices, and given frameworks. By the end of the program students will be able to:

  • Write a cause essay* in relation with the topic provided, by developing their own ideas
  • Write an effect essay in relation with the topic provided, by developing their own ideas
  • Write a problem/solution essay in relation with the topic provided, by developing their own ideas
  • Write an opinion essay in relation with the topic provided, by developing their own ideas
  •  Write a coherent and unified essay
  •  Write a relevant essay using given data
  • Use language structures related to compare/contrast accurately and effectively
  • Use language structures related to cause/effect accurately and effectively
  • Use language structures related to problem/solution accurately and effectively
  • Use language structures related to opinion accurately and effectively
  • Write in an integrated way by synthesizing ideas from Reading and Listening texts
  • Use a wide range of topic-related vocabulary 
  • Use correct punctuation, capitalization, and spelling 
  • Use a variety of grammar structures accurately in their writing

 * “Essay” means an upper-intermediate level piece of writing on an academic topic of 250-350 words and at least four paragraphs in length.


Goals: The goal of the Listening component of the preparatory program is for learners to be able to comprehend authentic and semi-authentic academic lectures*, develop global as well as detailed aural understanding, and develop effective strategies for taking notes. By the end of the program, students will be able to: 

  • Identify the main idea while listening to a conversation and/or an academic lecture
  • Identify the important details while listening to a conversation and/or an academic lecture
  • Recognize true/false information while listening to a conversation and/or an academic lecture
  • Identify key words in a lecture
  • Recognize the rhetorical cues in a lecture
  • Recognize the sequential information in a lecture
  • Identify mentioned/not mentioned information in a lecture
  • Distinguish between true/false information in a lecture
  • Use specific strategies and techniques for effective note taking while listening to a lecture
  • Develop their own strategies and techniques for effective note taking
  • Complete an outline of a lecture using their notes

* “Academic lecture” means auditory input at an intermediate or upper-intermediate level comprising at least 500 words. 


Goals: The goal of the Speaking component of the preparatory program is for learners to be able to speak and interact orally with confidence and competence in a wide range of situations. By the end of the program, students will be able to: 

  • Express themselves fluently in a wide range of conversational topics
  • Express themselves with acceptable accuracy
  • Convey their ideas clearly
  • Participate in discussions efficiently
  • Use presentation techniques effectively


Goals: The goal of the Learner training component of the preparatory program is for learners to become efficient independent language learners. By the end of the program, students will be able to: 

  • Become aware of their strengths and weaknesses as language learners
  • Set their own goals for language learning
  • Study independently
  • Use the library effectively
  • Develop their own strategies for language learning
  • Make use of various resources (the Internet, magazines, dictionaries, etc.) for language learning

Click here to view the goals and objectives of ITU SFL Undergraduate Preparatory Program as PDF.