Listening & Speaking: Goals, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


  • The students will acquire necessary listening skills in order to follow and comprehend discourse such as lectures, conversations, interviews, and discussions at their programs.
  • The students will develop adequate speaking skills to communicate effectively to follow academic courses at a university level.


  • The students will identify main ideas in a lecture.
  • The students will identify important details in a lecture.
  • The students will distinguish more important ideas from less important ones.
  • The students will use different listening strategies to listen actively.
  • The students will take clear notes.
  • The students will use their notes to organize their ideas.
  • The students will identify words and/or phrases related to the topic.
  • The students will draw inferences relying on the context.
  • The students will express themselves fluently.
  • The students will express themselves with acceptable accuracy.
  • The students will convey their ideas clearly.
  • The students will participate in discussions.
  • The students will analyze and synthesize information presented in different sources.
  • The students will paraphrase orally what they hear and/or read.

Learning Outcomes

     By the end of the program, the students will be able to:

  • use cohesive devices to distinguish different ideas,
  • identify key terms and definitions during conversations and/or lectures,
  • identify cues the lecturers use when focusing on examples, cause and effect relationships, and comparison and contrast,
  • make inferences based on what they hear,
  • identify the lecturer’s point of view,
  • use symbols and/or abbreviations to take effective notes,
  • express their opinions in individual presentations of ideas,
  • express their opinions in group discussions,
  • use accurate linguistic structures in conveying their ideas,
  • use appropriate vocabulary in conveying their ideas,
  • paraphrase important information in the listening texts,
  • produce a speech eliciting ideas from different sources.

*A listening text refers to any lecture at the upper-intermediate level of at least 600 words.

Reading:  Goals, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


The students will acquire necessary reading skills to comprehend academic texts.


  • The students will comprehend important information and facts that are stated in a reading text.
  • The students will understand the distinction between main ideas and supporting details in a reading text.
  • The students will understand the meaning of a word as it is used in a reading text.
  • The students will draw conclusions based on the information given within a statement or section of a reading text.
  • The students will perceive ideas that are suggested but not directly stated within a reading text.
  • The students will recognize the organization and purpose of a reading text.
  • The students will restate ideas from another source in their own words.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program, the students will be able to:

  • use context clues to figure out the meaning of a word and/or phrase in a reading text,
    • use surrounding information to understand meaning, details and/or inferences in a reading text,
  • use surrounding information to determine what a pronoun, determiner, etc. refers to in a reading text,
  • skim a passage for main ideas,
  • scan a passage for specific information,
  • paraphrase important points in a reading text,
  • summarize information in a reading text,
  • make and/or complete outlines of a reading text,
  • categorize information in a reading text,
  • infer a writer’s intention and/or purpose in a reading text,
  • compare and contrast opinions and/or information from different sources.

*A reading text refers to an upper-intermediate level of at least 500 words.

Writing: Goals, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


The students will develop important writing skills that will enable them to produce academic texts required in their undergraduate studies.


  • The students will brainstorm and organize their ideas.
  • The students will use mechanics of writing appropriately.
  • The students will use appropriate cohesive devices to improve their texts.
  • The students will incorporate appropriate vocabulary to express ideas precisely.
  • The students will write grammatically accurate basic and complex sentences.
  • The students will write coherent and unified paragraphs.
  • The students will learn how to paraphrase to improve their writing.
  • The students will learn how to summarize to improve their writing.
  • The students will express a clear opinion.
  • The students will provide relevant support through examples or reasons.
  • The students will produce a written response based on the information in the reading and listening texts.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program, the students will be able to:

  • make an outline.
  • apply punctuation, capitalization, and spelling rules in writing appropriately.
  • use parallel structures accurately and effectively.
  • use a variety of conjunctions, transition signals, pronouns, and articles to improve their texts.
  • use a wide range of vocabulary relevant to the text.
  • use correct forms of the words.
  • write texts avoiding fragments, run-on sentences, and/or comma splices.
  • write a paragraph with a topic sentence stating their opinion.
  • organize their ideas using ordering styles according to the content of the discussion.
  • use examples, specific facts, and anecdotes to strengthen their opinion.
  • use language structures and vocabulary to express agreement/disagreement or to introduce a new opinion.
  • write a response identifying the main ideas and key points of a reading and a listening text.

*An response is at the upper-intermediate level and expected to contain a minimum of 100 words.

*A response is at the upper-intermediate level and expected to contain between 150-225 word

Main Course: Goal, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


The students will attain useful and efficient linguistic structures and use them appropriately in their undergraduate studies.


  • The students will use linguistic structures to read and understand well-structured texts encountered in academic or social contexts.
  • The students will use linguistic structures to follow and comprehend a well-organized scripted lecture and take notes.
  • The students will use linguistic structures to produce coherent written and/or oral responses on academic and social topics.
  • The students will attain vocabulary to comprehend academic and social reading and listening texts.
  • The students will use the correct form of the words in their oral and written language production. 
  • The students will understand separate meanings of a word as it is used in a reading and listening text.

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the program, the students will be able to:

  • identify the use of linguistic structures in written and oral texts.
  • use the linguistic structures they have learnt in different kinds of written and oral texts effectively.
  • use appropriate words to convey accurate meanings in different kinds of speaking and writing.
  • guess the definitions of the words using context clues.
  • figure out a word’s part of speech in a sentence. 
  • spell and pronounce each word and different forms of words correctly. 
  • skim and scan a passage to understand the main idea and to find specific information.
  • find direct and indirect answers about part and/or whole of reading or listening texts.
  • make use of complex linguistic structures to understand a reading and listening text. 

Vocabulary: Goals, Objectives and Learning Outcomes


The students will expand their vocabulary so as to enhance their proficiency in reading and  listening to academic texts, writing, and speaking.


  • The students will become familiar with formal vocabulary that is common in academic texts.
  • The students will attain vocabulary to comprehend academic and social reading and listening texts.
  • The students will become familiar with different spelling patterns for parts of speech.
  • The students will learn strategies to understand vocabulary in the text.
  • The students will use correct form of the words in their oral and written language production.
  • The students will develop an understanding of collocations.
  • The students will understand separate meanings of a word as it is used in a reading and listening text.

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the program, the students will be able to:

  • use appropriate words to give the correct meaning in speaking and writing.
  • use derivatives of academic words.
  • use a wide variety of words suitable for their written and oral work.
  • find the meanings of words using context clues.
  • use context clues to determine the correct meaning of the word.
  • identify the types of words in the sentence.
  • write sentences using collocation words.
  • distinguish different meanings of words with more than one same word type.
  • write words and different types of words correctly.
  • pronounce words and different types of words correctly.

Independent Learning

Goal: The students will develop necessary strategies for successful independent learning.

Learning Outcomes 

By the end of the program, the students will be able to:

  • study independently.
  • manage time efficiently.
  • become aware of their strengths and weaknesses as language learners.
  • develop strategies of their own for language learning.
  • use the library effectively.