Why learn Turkish? 

  • Turkish is commonly spoken throughout a large part of the world,
  • Turkish becomes even more significant due to the strategic location of Turkey as a country and its political presence,
  • Advancements and innovations in the fields of tourism, industry and education make Turkish a language spoken worldwide,
  • Turkish is also the commonly adopted language as a result of economic treaties, rapid mutual relations and educational partnerships with related Turkic republics,
  • Turkey is an attraction point thanks to its geography, history and touristic richness,
  • Turkey has historical and religious bonds with several countries which makes Turkish a commonly used language,
  • A great many students visit Turkey as part of EU projects and Erasmus partnerships,
  • The number of international students who aim to build their academic career in Turkey are many in numbers, and they need Turkish to survive and succeed in the country,
  • Cultural richness and diversity of Turkey and Turkish language attract many foreigners each and every year.

Information About Turkish Courses

The need to learn a foreign language is a natural result of the need to communicate with people from diverse backgrounds and different nationalities. Istanbul Technical University brings a considerable number of international students from different countries together by admitting and offering courses to many who either aim to pursue an undergraduate/graduate degree or visit our university as part of Erasmus student exchange program, which in return brings about the need for a commonly used language. To this very end, Turkish courses are elective courses already available to our international students enrolled in an academic program at our university who aim to learn Turkish starting with the basic level of proficiency (A1-A2) to even more advanced levels (C1-C2).

YTO 101 is for beginner students who have never studied Turkish before. Those who will learn Turkish for the first time are requested to take this course. 

YTO 102, 201, 202 and 301 are for students who already have some knowledge of Turkish. Therefore, the students who plan to take one of these courses are to get in touch with the instructor.

Students can register credits for Turkish courses through the Registrar's Office and the ITU Automated Student Information System.

Course Book(s):

İstanbul Yabancılar İçin Türkçe Ders Kitabı, Kültür Sanat Basımevi, İstanbul, 2012 (All Levels)

Coordinator: Özge Seçkin Polat
E-Mail: seckino@itu.edu.tr