About June 2023 Proficiency Exam

by Bekir Şerifoğlu | May 23, 2023
THE INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE IS NOT FOR CURRENT PREP STUDENTS. There will be another announcement in the future for prep students who are eligible to take the proficiency exam. These students will be required to create an account on the online exam platform, procedures of which will be announced later.

THE INFORMATION ON THIS PAGE IS NOT FOR CURRENT PREP STUDENTS. There will be another announcement in the future for prep students who are eligible to take the proficiency exam.


The June Proficiency Exam will take place online on June 5, 2023 at 09:00 in one session. As the exam will be online, there are now two registration steps before it: Creating an account on Elma platform (elma.itu.edu.tr) and applying for the exam on SİS (www.sis.itu.edu.tr).


The candidates must create an account on elma.itu.edu.tr before/after applying for the exam on www.sis.itu.edu.tr. While creating an account on Elma platform, you will be required to provide an e-mail address. You must conform to the rules stated below while entering the e-mail address on Elma:

1.     If you are applying for the exam as “İTÜ Lisans Beklemeli Öğrenci (ITU students who haven’t yet passed the proficiency exam )”, “İTÜ Yüksek Lisans Beklemeli Öğrenci (ITU graduate students who haven’t yet passed the proficiency exam)”, “DİĞER 1 (HAZIRLIK OLMAYAN YA DA LİSANS BEKLEMELİ OLMAYAN İTÜ ÖĞRENCİLERİ) (ITU students who have passed the proficiency exam before)”, you must provide your current ITU e-mail address while creating an account on Elma.

2.     If you are applying for the exam as “Yüksek Lisans Başvurusu Yapmış Olan Aday (Candidates who have already applied for an MA/MS program)”, you must provide the e-mail address that you used for your MA/MS application before.

 3.     If you are applying for the exam as “DİĞER 2 (İTÜ DIŞI ÖĞRENCİLER) (candidates who are not current ITU Students or who haven’t already applied for an MA/MS program at ITU)”, you must enter the same personal e-mail on both Elma and SİS.


 * Those who have provided different e-mail addresses on Elma and SİS will not be able to take the exam.

Click here for the steps that you must follow to create an account on Elma.


Besides creating an account on Elma, you must apply for the exam on http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/onkayitlar/english_exam/index_en.php and pay the exam fee on time. You can find the detailed information on http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/onkayitlar/english_exam/index_en.php exam application page.


Technical Requirements for the Proficiency Exam

 ·       You must use the up-to-date version of Chrome browser on your computer to take the exam.

·       You must allow pop-ups in Chrome. Click here for the relevant instructions.

·       The exam must be open only on one window at a time. If you encounter any problems (page not fully loading, connection problems, power cuts. etc.) close the exam window that is open and login again to continue where you left off.

·       For the Listening section you need headphones or speakers.



 Proficiency Exam Rules

 ·      The exam will be accessible from 09.00 to 11.30 on the exam day.

·      Even if you log in the system any time later than 09.00, you will need to complete the exam by 11.30.

·       If you cannot complete your exam by 11.30, the answers you have provided up to 11:30 will be automatically saved.

·      The interface of the exam platform is English.

·      It is not possible to return to the skipped questions in the exam. During the Reading Section reading text will be displayed for each question.

·      In order to take notes during the listening, you need to have a draft paper and pencil with you. Important titles in the listening text will be displayed on the screen during the listening.

·      If a student is disconnected for technical reasons such as power or internet outage, if they can re-enter the system, they will be able to continue the exam from where they left off.

·     A make-up exam will be conducted on June 8, 2022 09:00 for those who fail to take or complete their exam on June 5, 2023 because of technical failures.

·      The data recorded during the exam will be analyzed by data processing methods and, if necessary, by the authorized commission of the university. If behaviors that do not comply with student stance such as cheating, deception or fraud, misleading, etc. are detected, the exams of the relevant students will be deemed invalid and they will be treated according to the Student Disciplinary Regulations of Higher Education Institutions

·      Since the exam will be held in a single session, undergraduate students who receive 60 or more out of 100 in total are considered successful.

·      The students who have taken the exam are assumed to have accepted the exam rules.


Exam Content

The details about the content of the exam are given in the table below. 

Part Number of Questions Points for Each Question Total Points
Listening 7 3 21
Reading 15 3 45
Cloze Test 8 0.5 4
Restatement 5 2 10
Writing (Independent) 1 20 20


For any technical problems or questions, you can only get support by opening a ticket. Please follow the steps below to successfully open a help ticket.

http://yardim.itu.edu.tr/  > Yardım Bileti Oluşturun > Yabancı Diller Yüksekokulu > İngilizce Yeterlilik Sınavı > Sınavla İlgili Sorular


School of Foreign Languages

Istanbul Technical University School of Foreign Languages English Preparatory Programs are accredited by the Commission on English Language Program Accreditation for the period April 2018 through April 2027 and agrees to uphold the CEA Standards for English Language Programs and Institutions. CEA is recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education as a nationally recognized accrediting agency for English language programs and institutions in the U.S. For further information about this accreditation, please contact CEA, 1001 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 630, Alexandria, VA 22314, (703) 665-3400, www.cea-accredit.org


School of Foreign Languages in Numbers

Istanbul Technical University

Number of Students 1352 Students

Number of Programs 4 Programs

Foreign Languages 10 Languages

Number of Classes 55 Classes

Faculty 189 Instructors